The contrasts formed by the shadows on the rooftop, and on the front porch, particularly attracted me to this subject. The house faces west, so the late afternoon light (especially in February, when this work was produced) creates deep blue shadows on the faded white facade. In fact, the sunlight at this time of day was so appealing to me that I immediately began an even larger canvas (24 x 36 inches) again based on the smaller study, but utilizing a slightly different perspective and composition. I'll discuss that work in a future post.
In May 2008 I entered this painting in the Visual Art Exchange's "SCOPE: The North Carolina Landscape" juried exhibition (along with the larger canvas mentioned above), and juror Tom Grubb - Curator at the Fayetteville Museum of Art - selected both pieces for the show. This version remains one of my favorite paintings, and currently hangs in my family room rather than on my studio storage shelves.
"House on Holly Springs Road." Oil on stretched canvas, 24 x 30 inches, completed in February 2008.
can u leave ur phone number to me???
Hi Kenneth, I almost bought this painting when I saw it at the Nc Scope show in Raleigh!
I'm a painter and also love architectural work. take a look at my blog and website:
I'll be reading your blog and hope to meet you sometime (I'm a VAE member)
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